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13 May 2010, 19:24

The project “Electronic Government RB” is presented in Moscow

The Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev introduced the project “E-Government RB” at the international exhibition of telecommunication equipment, control systems, IT and communication services “Communication –EXPOCOMM-2010” in Moscow.
The Russian Government determined the rise of quality and efficiency of public services with the usage of IT one of its key tasks.
The Prime-Minister of Government RB has positively estimated the state and prospects of the regional e-government’s development still during the January news-conference.
“The project of Bashkortostan is the most progressive. I can open any document in my office, look it through and sign it with the help of the electronic digital signature” – Rail Sarbaev said – “21 state bodies started using this system since January 1”.
The project, introduced by the Prime-Minister of Government RB in Moscow is the really unique project because this is the first full-fledged system of interdepartmental documents circulation at the regional level in Russia. The system optimizes the whole documents circulation at the different levels – fr om primary specialists to the top heads and creates the unified informational environment, wh ere the document is stored, agreed and circulated.
“One can make the audio-comments in the form of applications to the instructions and one more plus is the possibility to work with the documents during the business trips. The notebook, connected to a wireless network, opens the access to the system practically in any spot of the globe” – Rail Sarbaev mentioned.
The introduction of e-government demands serious investments to the infrastructure of the electronic communications – the Republic possesses the modern network of fiber-optic communication lines with the total length 16 thousand kilometers, which covers all 4500 settlements in the Republic. On the base of this network the network of data transference of the state and municipal bodies RB is already working. Further development of the system is planned in 2010 – the municipal institutions will join it. In parallel the system will closely interact with the regional portal of public services. Besides, the system of the interdepartmental electronic circulation of documents represents the base for rendering of public services in the e-form. 88 administrative regulations for public services are approved for today and the list of 25 top priority public services, subject to be rendered in the e-form, is already formed. In a whole the General List of the public e-services includes 286 services and functions, rendered by the Republican authority.
In the interview after the presentation of the project the Prime-Minister has mentioned the Republic has to make the stress on development of high-tech industry now:
“In particular several innovational designs are introduced by the plant “PROMSVYAZ” – he said – “Including the designs, which can be used within the frames of the project “Social Card RB”.
Our Republic pays attention to the whole complex of the arrangements for informatization of the public activity. Republic of Bashkortostan is the only Russian region, which has fulfilled all its obligations for introduction of the project “Social Card” and the Republican design itself is the first and still the only Russian product, which has won the international contest “OSCARDS-2009”.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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