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11 May 2010, 19:28

The measures on realization of the cluster policy are undertaken in Bashkortostan

The support of the cluster initiatives is the base of the state policy for well-balanced development of the territories and one of the key directions in the policy for the rise of the national and regional competitive ability. The initiatives for making the energy-machine building, woodworking and tourist clusters are actively developed in Bashkortostan but this policy faces certain serious problems and restrictions.
In this connection the Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB (at present moment the Ministry is found at the stage of reorganization: it is divided into the Ministry of industry, investment and innovational policy RB and the state committee RB for external economic relations) approved the decree “Realization of the cluster policy in Republic of Bashkortostan”. In accordance with this decree the Ministry has to form the special workgroups for formation and advancement of the cluster initiatives in spheres of woodworking, machine-building, energy and tourism and the expert’s scientific-technical council. The decree is signed by the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of industry, investment and innovational policy RB Uri Pustovgarov.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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