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23 April 2010, 15:54

Financial limit from the Fund for assistance to housing and communal services reforming to Bashkortostan is increased

On April 22, 2010, the supervisory board of the state corporation “The Fund for assistance to housing and communal services reforming” has approved the decision of the Fund’s board of directors concerning the increase of the funding limits to some Russian regions at the expense of the Fund’s means.
As the PR-service of the Fund reports, the limits are increased at the expense of 50% of the profits, obtained by the Fund from floatation of temporarily free means. This sum all over the country makes up 7 billion 849 million521 thousand 723 rubles.
As a result along with Bashkortostan the Fund increased the funding to other 15 regions: republics of Mari-Al, Mordvinia, Yakutia, Tatarstan, Altai and Baikal regions, Belgorod, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Penza, Ryazan, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tambov and Yaroslavl regions.
Along with the abovementioned funding the additional measures for stimulation of house building, resettlement of the citizens from the wrecked housing fund and major repair of tenements will be undertaken. For that the additional payment of Russian Federation at the rate of 10 billion rubles will be transferred to the Fund.
Therefore the aggregated sum of the funding for Bashkortostan in 2010 will make up 1 billion 451 million 838 thousand 892,77 rubles, taking the unused remainder into account. 870 million 994 thousand 338 rubles of this sum will be directed to the capital repair of the tenements and 580 million 844 thousand 554,77 rubles – to the resettlement of citizens RB from the wrecked houses.
Author:Ulay Magsumov
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