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16 April 2010, 17:35

Start-up in Bashkortostan is raised

The gathering to the theme “State and prospects of Bashkir business undertakings”, where the questions of political and economical development of Bashkortostan were raised, has taken place in the executive committee of the World Bashkir Kurultay with the participation of 250 representatives of medium and small Bashkir business.
The deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of industry, investment and innovational policy RB Uri Pustovgarov has taken the floor with the words of welcome. He said the region possessed all conditions to establish the fund for support of Bashkir business.
“It won’t be difficult to find the sources of finances for the fund and we may attract the bank sector here” – the Vice-Premier said – “Thanks to the fund we can help many business structures”.
Uri Pustovgarov said they should form the special zones, attractive for investments. It is necessary to introduce deep processing especially in the sphere of woodworking. The revival of the tanning industry was the matter of the discussion too.
“We possess a high-quality raw material and have to solve the problem of its processing” – he said.
The chairman of the state business undertaking and trade committee RB Rinat Zainullin told what measures and programs were launched in the Republic for support of local business.
“The “start-up” program is slightly changed – the sum of payments will be increased for those people, who either get under dismissal or threatened with it” – he reported – “If you intend to be engaged in innovations, you will also receive additional finances. There are certain preferences for those, who intend to open their business in the rural settlements, where the number of residents doesn’t exceed 500 people”.
Rinat Zainullin has mentioned Bashkortostan is one of the leaders in the country by the development of small and medium business and can be the example for other regions: “The number of people, involved in the sphere of small business here is equal to the number of workers in industry – more than 300 thousand and Bashkortostan has to orient itself to the developed European countries”.
Author:Rasul Hamidullin
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