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12 April 2010, 16:41

The Day of Cosmonautics is the professional holiday for UPPO

Manufacturing of the most complicated special technique at the Ufa’s instrument-making production association (UPPO) contributed to development of the Russian cosmonautics. The day of Cosmonautics for UPPO is not just an all-Russian remarkable date but the professional holiday.
49 years passed since the first flight of Uri Gagarin around the Earth. The day of April 12, 1961, is forever added to the history of our state as the reference point of the space era.
UPPO started mastering the production of the first space products in 1962. In its time UPPO produced up to 70% of the whole instrument staffing for the first soviet sputniks and the first spaceships of the “Cosmos” series. The plant also produced the equipment for the orbital space station “MIR”.
The mastering and production of the wares for the space machinery are closely connected with the name of the plant’s first director Nikolai Kovalev. He was the first initiator and organizer of a new production direction at the plant.
At present time the assembly aviation and space machinery workshop successfully works in the staff of the plant and its main aim is the manufacturing of the instruments for “Cosmos”.
After signing of the contract between UPPO and the experimental machine-building plant “Energy” by Korolev the aim was set before the plant’s collective – production of the series of the instruments for the transport spaceships, serving the international space station MKS. At present time UPPO is also taking part in production of the spaceships for MKS in 2008-2012 in accordance with the schedule, approved by the state corporation “ROSCOSMOS”. The enterprise received the orders for manufacturing of 185 instruments for the additional MKS module. The module will be docked to MKS for a long-term and permanent work.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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