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7 April 2010, 15:10

Specialized exhibition “The Salon of Innovations” is open in Ufa

The specialized exhibition “The Salon of Innovations”, organized within the frames of the Republican purposeful innovational program for 2008-2010, started working in Ufa on the hippodrome “AKBUZAT” today. The Vice-Premier of Government RB, Minister of industry, investment and innovational policy RB Uri Pustovgarov, the deputy chairman of the Trade-Industry Chamber RB Alexei Nikin and other officials have taken part in the solemn opening ceremony.
The exhibition is held under the slogan “Investments to innovations and innovations to investments” and devoted to the Republic Year. It is organized by the Ministry of industry, investment and innovational policy RB, the Academy of sciences RB and by the Trade-Industry Chamber RB with the assistance of the Ministry of youth policy, sport and tourism RB, the Ministry of economic development RB, the National Bank RB and several higher education institutions.
The main goal of the exhibition is working up of the strategy for further development of Bashkortostan’s innovational system. The exhibition is called to demonstrate the achievements and capabilities of our industry and science, modern samples of new equipment, materials, progressive technologies, scientific-technical solutions and innovational projects in different branches of economics. Scientific centers and industrial enterprises, techno-parks, technological centers, higher education institutions and small and medium business companies from Bashkortostan and Russia are taking part in the forum – more than 40 exhibitors. Every stand is devoted to one concrete direction of the Republican innovational activity: nanotechnologies, cluster policy, innovational development of the municipalities with the mono-profiled structure of economics.
Along with the exhibition the wide business program is offered to the guests. Thus, the meeting of Ministry of industry, investment and innovational policy RB to the theme “Realization of cluster policy in Bashkortostan”, presentations of the project “The cluster initiatives in Bashkortostan” on the following directions: energy machine building, woodworking and tourism will be held today. Presentations of the Republican innovational projects are planned on Thursday and Friday. “The Salon of Innovations” will be working during three days.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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