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30 March 2010, 14:58

The contest “Ten best innovational ideas” is announced in Bashkortostan

The contest “Ten best innovational ideas” is announced in our Republic. It is held in accordance with the Republican goal-oriented innovational program for 2008-2010, approved by the Decree of the President RB. The contest is organized by the Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB (found under reorganization now).
The goals of the contest are: introduction of new promising technologies to economics RB, development of innovational productions, the rise of competitive ability of the Republican producers, mastering of new products and advancement of these products in the markets and attraction of small business to innovational development of Bashkortostan.
The contest commission will determine ten winners, which are to be rewarded with the diplomas and the subsidies. The sum of a subsidy for one winner mustn’t exceed 150 thousand rubles.
More detailed information about contest is available on the site
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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