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30 March 2010, 16:51

Russian State Duma introduced amendments to the milk technical regulations

The deputies of the Russian State Duma have passed the bill “Alteration of the federal law “Technical regulations on milk and milk products” in the first reading. The main goal the law-makers pursue is the removal of the ambiguity when using the list of the objects of technical regulations, set by the federal law. For that it is suggested the list of milk and milk products should be altered, the law should be filled up with such notions as the raw non-fat milk, drinkable concentrated milk, condensed milk with sugar, whole milk, dry cream etc and some already used notions such as plombieres and ice-cream should be specified more precisely.
Besides, the amendments will concern the supplements to the law, which specify some technical parameters. In the sphere of state control the introduced amendments concern the veto on the repeated control and supervision by different state structures.
Author:Ulay Magsumov
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