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25 March 2010, 15:13

In 2009 Government RB increased the volume of means for small business support

“1,8 billion rubles have been appropriated for state support of business undertakings in 2009 – 20 times more than in 2008. More than 1100 small and medium business subjects have received financial backstopping” – the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev reported at today’s meeting of the State Council RB.
“The regional limit on the program for financial support of small and medium business development in 2009 at the rate of 800 million rubles is mastered at full volume and in accordance with the decision of JSC “Russian Development Bank” Directorate the limit to our Republic was increased by 125 million rubles” – the Prime-Minister said.
He added that “the partnership agreements about placement of cash resources of the state sector of economics for further crediting of investment projects and programs on the bank deposits were signed with the leading Republican banks. The total volume of the accumulated monetary funds made 11 billion rubles”.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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