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23 March 2010, 10:45

The scopes of bank credits to population reduced more than twice for the last year

The remains of the credits, given by the Russian banks to population RB, made 82 billion rubles at the beginning of this year. Since the beginning of 2009 the sum of the remains has reduced by 13,5%. The share of overdue indebtedness makes five billion rubles (6,1%).
For the whole period of 2009 the banks have given credits to population of Bashkortostan for the sum of 31,2 billion rubles – two times less than in 2008 and the crisis struck the hypothec crediting even harder – the reduction in this segment of crediting made 5,5 times. For the last year the citizens RB have received 2655 hypothec credits for the sum of 2,4 billion rubles. The share of overdue hypothec debts has grown up: 2,1% against 0,6% in 2008.
The average interest rate on hypothec credits in rubles makes 14,2% on January 1, 2010 and the average crediting time is 15,5 years.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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