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16 March 2010, 15:06

“Beeline” subscribers will help the veterans of the Great Patriotic War

The relief action for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War “The Great Victory – Eternal Memory”, organized by JSC “VYMPELCOM” (Beeline) started in Russia. It is held within the frames of the all-Russian action “Hurray, Victory” and aimed at the collection of means for support of the Russian hospitals for the veterans of war and for moneyed assistance to them.
In order to join the action any “Beeline” subscriber may call the free number 1945 and choose the option “Help to veterans” and after that order the chargeable access to the resource with the graphic content to the war theme. The cost of the access is 30 rubles 48 kopecks (including VAT for all Beeline subscribers) and GRPS-traffic for downloading of the content is free.
The collected means will be transferred to the Russian charitable public fund for help to invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War “Victory-1945” (, which representative offices are present in 62 Russian regions.
The action will last till June 9, 2010. After its end the collected means will be transferred to the fund “Victory-1945” (with the deduction of taxes).
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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