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12 March 2010, 15:53

Rail Sarbaev about points of increase, support of industry and labor market

“Today we’ve indicated the problematic aspects we have to pay serious attention to and which in the nearest future have to become the additional points of increase for our economics” – The Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev said to journalists after the end of the Governmental meeting, dedicated to social-economic development RB in 2009 and the aims for 2010.
According to M-r Sarbaev large industrial projects are found under realization at several Republican enterprises at present time. Many of these projects already entered the final stage but the financial problems hampered this process.
“At the governmental level we have to determine now what the form for support of these enterprises should be” – the Prime-Minister said – “the matter is the productions with the billionth output, demanded both in the Russian and foreign markets. The tax deductions will be proportional to these volumes and, besides, these projects mean the additional workplaces”.
The situation in the Republican labor market is quite stable.
“For today we don’t see any large enterprises, where the mass dismissals might be expected. But at that our productivity is very low, i.e. we aren’t competitive. There are the workers at our plants we have to dismiss and at the all-Republican scale this figure can be rather high – dozens thousands. But we can’t afford to do it now because we haven’t yet prepared the additional workplaces. Now we are busy with preparation of new job vacancies”.
One more problem which has to be solved is the cost of energy carriers for agrarians. There are many hothouses in Bashkortostan, occupying more than 400 hectares of Bashkir lands. 5,5 thousand people work in this sphere and the main problem for them now is payments for gas and electricity. Rail Sarbaev promises the agrarians won’t be left face to face with this problem: the subsidizing of energy expenses is provided for the small business program.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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