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12 March 2010, 13:59

Bashkortostan has to be ready for rendering of e-services

The usage of internet technologies in Bashkortostan reached a qualitatively new level. In the course of the whole last year formation of the modern access infrastructure, i.e. the construction of the local networks was running in all towns of Bashkortostan. In a whole 27668 ports have been put into operation, the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev told at today’s enlarged meeting of Government RB.
“Our Republic has become one of the first Russian regions, having reached the 100%-digitalization of the rural phone communication network” – Rail Sarbaev stated and added that today all basic elements, necessary for launching of “e-government” and “e-services” were to the fore.
“In 2010 we have to launch the regional portal of state and municipal services, to determine the list of the prior state services in order to make these services electronic already this year” – Rail Sarbaev said and added that in accordance with the federal legislation all state and municipal customers would be obliged to place practically the whole volume of orders for delivery of goods, execution of various works and rendering of services in the e-form at open auctions since January 1, 2011, so before the end of the year all customers and participants of public contracting process have to be ready for e-auctions.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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