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10 March 2010, 16:10

Thanks to direct connections JSC “VYMPELCOM” increases international traffic

JSC “VYMPELCOM” (the trade brand “Beeline”) announces direct connection to the networks of the Ukrainian mobile provider “ASTELIT”. Under development of this project JSC “VYMPELCOM” receives direct connection with the biggest providers in all CIS countries and that makes 85% of the company’s outgoing international traffic.
“Cooperation with all big providers is realization of our strategy on expansion in the market of international communication, where CIS is considered the prior direction for the company’s business. Establishment of direct connections with the CIS providers allows “Beeline” shortening the traffic expenses thereby providing maximally qualitative telecommunication services for the clients on more preferable terms” – the JSC “VYMPELCOM” Vice-President for corporate business development Andre Patoka mentioned.
It should be noted that JSC “VYMPELCOM” is considered one of the leaders in the market of inter-provider business. At present time the company possesses more than 280 direct connections, allowing the company to share the international traffic with the mobile providers all over the world. The total volume of the international voice traffic, passed through the “Beeline” network in Russia increased by 28% in 2009, making six billion minutes.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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