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4 March 2010, 14:49

Builders withstand the crisis

The volume of building works in 2009 is estimated at 73, 5 billion rubles – 76,7% of the same index in 2008. The large and medium building companies have made works for the sum of 30,6 billion rubles – 74,8% as compared with 2008.
“Building has become one of the first sectors, having been adversely affected by the crisis” – Minister of building, architecture and transport RB Ravil Ibatullin said at today’s meeting of his Ministry’s collegium – “The investments to the fixed capital dropped, the banks reduced the volumes of crediting both for legal and natural persons, toughening the crediting terms. All that resulted in rather substantial reduction of financing for building objects. In 2009 the volume of investments has reduced by 31%, making 139,7 billion rubles”.
All that resulted in the reduction of workplaces in the building complex RB and to the cut-backs of their wages. At the beginning of this year the number of workers at building organizations made 84 thousand people – by 15,5% less than one year earlier. In the industry of building materials the number of employees reduced by 18,8%. The average wage made 14,4 thousand rubles (93% against 2008) in building sphere and 12 thousand rubles (93,4%) in manufacturing of building materials.
In opinion of the Minister 2010 is expected to be more difficult than the previous year but it should be noted that in spite of the objective difficulties the house-building in Bashkortostan in 2009 hasn’t dropped but on the contrary – has grown up in some regions. House-building remains one of the key priorities of Bashkir state policy and Bashkortostan allocates substantial budget means for these purposes.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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