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12 February 2010, 14:59

Population census-2010 will fix Russian population

The head of the Russian Statistics Committee’s population statistics and health protection department Irene Zbarskaya stated at the conference in Moscow that for the first time for many years the birth rate in Russia exceeded the death rate. The number of kids, born per one woman in 2009 made 1,6, while in 2000 this index was equal to 1,2.
Some disturbing indices were indicated too. Thus, as the Russian Statistics Committee says, the difference in longevity between men and women in Russia remains rather wide – 12-13 years, while in European countries this gap lies within the limits of 5-6 years.
At the beginning of 2010 the population of Bashkortostan made 4065,8 thousand people according to the preliminary assessments of the Bashkir State Statistics Committee, having increased by 8,5 thousand people, as compared with the beginning of 2009.
The demographic situation in the Republic is characterized by growth of the birth rate, lowering of the death rate and by the natality. The ratio between births and deaths allows our Republic holding rather favorable positions in Volga federal district: the second place in the district by birth and death rates and the first by natality. As for the country in a whole, Republic of Bashkortostan is found in the Top 25 of Russian regions with the most favorable demographic showings.
But only the population census can give more exact data about population and outline all tendencies in the present demographic sphere. It should be reminded that the all-Russian population census will take place in October 2010. Thus, in accordance with the results of the previous census-2002 the Russian population turned out to be one million 800 thousand people more than it was fixed in the result of the approximate assessments.
The results of the last population census have helped to reveal the whole acuteness of the demographic situation in the country and created the foundation for the whole line of the state programs, aimed at its improvement: “Motherhood capital”, the programs on improvement of living conditions for young families and many others.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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