news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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5 February 2010, 14:18

Bashkortostan holds the first place in Volga federal district by retail trade turnover

458,9 billion rubles – this is the turnover of the retail trade in Bashkortostan in 2009 – 98% to the level of 2008. In spite of some fall Republic of Bashkortostan still stands in the Top10 of Russian regions and holds the first place in Volga federal district by the absolute showing of the retail trade turnover. The Bashkir State Statistics Committee reports the retail trade turnover per capita made about 113 thousand rubles or 97,8% to the level of 2008.
The share of foodstuffs in the retail trade structure, including drinks and tobacco, made 49,9% and nonfoods – 50,1%. In 2008 these showings were equal to 48,8% and 51,2% correspondingly. The foodstuffs have been sold out at 229,2 billion rubles in 2009 (100% to 2008) and nonfoods – at 229,7 billion rubles or 95,9%.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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