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29 January 2010, 16:33

Rail Sarbaev called successes of JSC “Bashinformsvyaz” impressive

The preliminary work balance of JSC “BASHINFORMSVYAZ” in 2009 and the main aims-2010 were ventilated today at the enlarged meeting of the company’s board of directors. Prime-Minister of Government RB, the Chairman of the board of directors Rail Sarbaev took part in the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting Rail Sarbaev shortly told what the last year was for the Republic in a whole.
“In spite of the crisis the economical situation in our Republic looked better than in other regions” – the Prime-Minister said – “The peak of the industrial slump fell on February and by the end of the year the situation has improved. The circulation of our organizations exceeded the level of 1,4 billion rubles – more than 80% of the level of 2008. The volume of shipped-off goods, works and services on all types of economic activity exceeded 880 billion rubles – 87% to the level of 2008”.
According to M-r Sarbaev the agricultural complex of Bashkortostan made not bad – at the level of the previous year and though the grain harvest was lower than in 2008 Bashkortostan exceeded the last year’s indices by production of meat, milk, potato and vegetables. The Republican auxiliary economies received the unprecedented support. In 2010 more than 200 million rubles will be appropriated for the Republican agrarians.
Bashkortostan preserved the pre-scheduled building volumes. By this index our Republic holds the 5-6th place in Russia. 2352 square meters of housing have been put into operation last year – 100% to the level of 2008. Bashkortostan started realization of the Republican goal-oriented program “Development of low building in Republic of Bashkortostan “My Own House”.
As for the house-building, Rail Sarbaev specially complimented JSC “BASHINFORMSVYAZ” for its successes in this direction: at the expense of its own profits the enterprise has built up the 264-flat tenement for the young specialists.
“It is good that JSC “BASHINFORMSVYAZ” preserved the rates of growth and even improved the main indices in spite of the crisis. Thus, in 2009 the volume of rendered services has exceeded the level of 2008 by 3,2%. The profits of the company in 2009 have made more than 800 million rubles. The company supplied even the remotest regions of the Republic with phones. All rural exchanges are digital now. Now the Republic has all chances to start rendering state services by the program “E-Government” because the modern fiber-optic cables are laid in the majority of the Republican settlements, thus making suitable conditions for wide internet access by population and commercial structures” – Rail Sarbaev said.
On behalf of Government RB the Prime-Minister thanked all workers of JSC “BASHINFORMSVYAZ”, headed by the General Director Salavat Gaisin, for high endowment to social-economical development of Bashkortostan and wished them every success in their work, stability and prosperity.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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