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26 January 2010, 17:45

Undamaged state of fruit-trees is checked up

Republican agronomical services are busy with checking the undamaged state of the fruit-trees now.
Stably frosty weather is preserved on the territory of Bashkortostan since the middle of December. Last winters the fruit-trees haven’t practically suffered and in 2010 specialists of Ministry of agriculture RB also hope for the favorable outcome. Now the agronomists grow the sprouts, cut from fruit-trees and bushes to find out the level of their safety. The results of the experiments will be known at the beginning of February.
For today six fruit farms and two peasant farmings work in this sphere in Bashkortostan and all of them are quite profitable. The total area of the garden plants in our Republic makes about 450 hectares and the largest apple-tree plantations are found at the CHISHMINSKY fruit-farm and at “Sunny BUZOVIAZ”. The farmings grow currants, raspberries, strawberries, cherry, pear, sea-buckthorn and other cultures, selling their supply to confectionaries and packing companies. In spring and autumn time the farmings sell the sprouts of fruit-trees and bushes to population.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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