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26 January 2010, 15:59

New plant of power and feeder transformers is blessed by the clergy

The new plant of power and feeder transformers in Ufa, erected by the largest Russian producer of electrical products JSC “ELECTROZAVOD” was blessed today by the provost of Ufa Christmas-Godmother Cathedral Eugene Korobkov and the chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB, Mufti Nurmukhamet Nigmatullin.
The Mufti has read the prayer, blessing the new beginning and the collective of the plant. He underscored in his short speech that the work of the plant would be directed for the good of the people – all those, who work at the plant and make use of its output.
The provost Eugene sanctified the production facilities of the industrial giant, modern workshops and administrative building.
“For many years of my service I sanctify so powerful enterprise for the first time” – the provost said – “Now there are many talks how we have to build up new Russia and its economics and politics are found under modernization now but one can’t build up a prosperous state without spirituality and morality, so we must have one moral platform. Business and spirituality have to go side by side, so let the God help you and let me congratulate all of you with this joyful event”.
The new enterprise will open more than two thousand workplaces, substantially raising the intakes to the regional budget and social funds. For the last 30 years no construction of industrial enterprises of such scale was observed either in Russia or in CIS.
The news-service of “ELECTROZAVOD” reports the production capacities of the plant will exceed 27 million kilovolt-amperes per year. The plant will produce wide range of power transformers with the voltage up to 220 KW inclusive and with the capacity up to 200 mega-volt amperes. Besides, the plant will produce feeder transformers with the voltage up to 35 KW and capacity up to 1600 kilovolt-amperes.
The investments of the JSC “ELECTROZAVOD” to construction of the plant have exceeded five billion rubles and putting of this modern transformer production into operation allows making a new power-engineering machine-building complex, having no analogues in Russia.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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