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20 January 2010, 18:24

Heads of municipal formations become acquainted with the state farm “Alekseevsky”

Heads of municipal and city districts became acquainted with the progressive technologies of agrarian production at the state farm “ALEKSEEVSKY” within the frames of the training seminar, held in Ufa. They inspected the modern milk shop, stock buildings, the gas-turbine unit and the hothouses.
The state farm “ALEKSEEVSKY” is the graphic example of a multi-profiled farming. Here the farm’s workers are busy with vegetables growing and develop pedigree and milk cattle-breeding. Specialists of the state farm maintain complete processing of the agricultural production, applying only the newest technologies of modern agricultural production.
Beginning from 2002 the farm acquires pedigree cattle on the terms of leasing – from Denmark, Holland, Germany and Finland. The livestock makes more than 1770 cows and in 2009 the average milk yield from one cow made 8168 kg.
The achievements of the farm are well-known far beyond the Republican borders and the farm is a permanent prize-winner of the all-Russian exhibition “Golden Autumn”. In 2009 the farm was rewarded with four golden medals and by the work balance 2006-2008 the state farm “ALERKSEEVSKY” is again found in the Top 100 of the rate “AGRO-300”.
Author:Galya Nabieva, Julia Antipina
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