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15 January 2010, 16:27

Berlin’s “Green Week” opens doors for visitors

The 75th international agricultural exhibition “Green Week-2010” started working in Berlin. Today it opened doors wide for visitors. Solemn opening ceremony will take place in the second half of the day.
Russian delegation at this prestigious European forum is headed by the first deputy Chairman of Russian Government Viktor Zubkov and among Russian VIPs the Russian Minister of agriculture Elena Skrynnik, the Plenipotentiary of Russian President in the Siberian federal district Anatoly Kvashnin, heads of 16 Russian regions and directors of leading Russian agricultural enterprises are taking part in the forum. Russia takes part in the “Green Week” for the 16th time and the economic effect from participation of Russian enterprises in the last three forums exceeded 1,7 billion euro.
One of Russian federal districts is traditionally presented at the forum and in 2010 the Siberian federal district demonstrates modern science-intensive technologies in agriculture, agricultural investment projects and the best foodstuffs. 16 Russian regions are taking part in the forum, as it was already mentioned. Bashkortostan and Saratov region present the Volga federal district. The main task of Russian enterprise at the “Green Week” is to attract foreign investors to realization of Russian projects in sphere of agriculture and to provide Russian agricultural output with the access to the international food markets. 120 Russian agricultural companies will introduce more than 140 investment projects for the total sum more than 4 billion euro to their foreign partners.
Viktor Zubkov is going to discuss the aspects of bilateral cooperation at the Russian-German forum “The strategies of Russian Federation on modernization of agricultural complex – prospects for Russian-German cooperation” already today. Elena Skrynnik and her German colleague Elsa Aigner will hold the meeting of the Russian-German agricultural committee.
Bashkortostan is presented at the forum by two enterprises: JSC “BASHSPIRT” and by the Bashkir scientific-research center on bee-keeping and apitherapy. Our Republic is a permanent participant and often prize-winner of the prestigious agrarian forums. In 2008 the output of the bee-keeping center was rewarded with the Grand-Prix of the exhibition and with the golden medal for Bashkir honey. In 2009 Bashkir scientists take part in the “Green Week” for already the fifth time.
“Green Week” is the unique exhibition of foodstuffs, agricultural and gardening productions. Here one can see the whole spectrum of the world food industry: from meat and sausages to fruits and vegetables and from seafoods to tea, wines, beer and strong drinks plus seeds, agricultural equipment and various tying products.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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