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12 January 2010, 11:58

“Bush’s chicken sticks” are closed for Russian market

The Chief Sanitary Doctor RF Gennady Onishenko prohibited import of chicken meat from the USA, subjected to treatment with the chlorine-containing preparations, since January 1, 2010. The veto is applied not just to the American export but to all imported poultry meat.
As the head of the population nourishment supervision department of Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights in RB Ildar Urazbakhtin reported to “Bashinform”, the cooled poultry meat is considered the most qualitative: such meat possesses excellent gustatory and nutritious properties but unfortunately its shelf life is too short, so the importers freeze their foodstuffs and in order to prolong the shelf life they treat chicken meat with the chlorine-containing preparations. As a result, we receive harmful chemical compounds, considered unsafe for health. It should be taken into account that chicken meat is considered dietetic and used in nourishment of kids, pregnant women and sick people.
The problem of chlorine usage is under discussion in Russia for a long time. Ideally only ice water can be used for cooling the chicken meat and in this connection specialists recommend to use the cooled chicken meat, manufactured only in Russia because Russian meat produces use chlorine very rarely.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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