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31 December 2009, 11:21

Support of small and medium business to be continued in 2010

Russian Government will contribute to enlargement of corporate crediting, support of the internal demand, improvement of the situation in Russian mono-towns and to development of small and medium business in 2010. These measures can be found in the plan of Russian Government’s anti-crisis actions -2010. Russian Ministry of economic development reports the anti-crisis policy, pursued by Government RF in 2008 and 2009, has led to rather fast achievement of positive results.
It is expected the support of economical growth, innovational and socially-oriented development and social stability will become the main priorities of governmental anti-crisis steps in 2010. In order to preserve the indicated positive tendencies in Russian regions the support of the regions with the help of credits and state guarantees on the borrowings of the Russian system-forming enterprises will be preserved. The support of small innovational business is considered one of the prior directions. It is forecasted that in case the current external economic tendencies remain at the same level as now, the growth of GDP in 2010 will make about 3,1%.
The unprecedented sum was appropriated for support of small and medium business in Bashkortostan in 2009 – more than two billion rubles. Besides, the Republican goal-oriented innovational program for 2008-2010 is underway in the region. The contest of innovational projects “10 best innovational ideas RB” is held within its frames every year and winners are generously subsidized.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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