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21 December 2009, 17:39

Enlarged meeting of Business Organizations Association Council RB to take place in Ufa on December 22, 2009

The enlarged meeting of the Business Organizations Association Council RB will take place on December 22 at 14:30 in the conference-hall of Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB.
Realization of anti-crisis measures in Bashkortostan, the rise of budget self-sufficiency of local municipalities and formation of efficient economic policy of Bashkir territories through realization of social-economic programs on development of municipal formations for long-term and short-term periods will become the key themes of the session. Besides, the matter will be the business-cards of municipal formations as the instrument for the increase of investment attractiveness of Republican territories.
Representatives of Bashkir President Administration, authority and local self-government and members of the Association – representatives of business-community RB will take part in the meeting.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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