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15 December 2009, 15:25

Growth of industrial production index is observed in Ufa

The index of industrial production in Ufa made 96,9% for 11 months of 2009 and that was higher than the average all-Republican index , equal to 95,2%, the Ufa Mayor Paul Kachkaev reported today.
“The work of our enterprises in November has in many respects influenced upon the final result” – he said – “The industrial production index was equal to 105,9% in November, If we manage to keep this tendency in December our index have to be higher than 97% by the end of the year”.
According to Paul Kachkaev the economic situation in the city can be characterized as quite stable. Small business is actively developing in Ufa. 436 Ufa businessmen received state aid in 2009 – 46% of all those, who received this aid all over the Republic.
The average wage level in Ufa increased by 6,6%, making 19512 rubles, as compared with the previous year.
At the same time certain problems still spoil the economic picture. Thus, about a half of all wage debts in the Republic falls on Ufa enterprises. The level of unemployment is also higher than the average all-Republican one – 2,27%. The coefficient of intenseness in the labor market is equal to 3,22. In September it was equal just to 1,5.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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