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2 December 2009, 15:31

Republican trade-union of builders regards the crisis as the check-up of its work

The measures for support of workers of the Republican building branch were discussed today in the course of the XIX portback election conference of the Republican trade-union of builders. Chairman of the Trade-Union Federation RB Amirkhan Samirkhanov, chairman of the trade-union of builders RB Paul Alexandrov and representatives of primary trade-union organizations of Bashkortostan’s building branch took part in work of the conference.
In opinion of Paul Alexandrov the economic crisis has become the check-up of work of the Republican building trade-union. The main problem the Republican builders started to confront with the beginning of the crisis was non-payment and arrears of wages. The branch hasn’t known this “evil” in the course of several previous years. Along with the arrears the problem of amount of wages in the building branch is also very painful. In the course of three years – fr om 2005 to 2008 wages have grown up fr om 5569 to 12876 rubles. In the first half of the year the average wage level in the building complex RB reached 16 thousand rubles. But after the beginning of the crisis this level again fell to 12 thousand rubles.
The trade-union of builders RB pins high hopes in protection of labor rights on social partnership, wh ere the collective contracts play the key role. “Every year we prepare the draft of the collective contract, which is further sent to all primary trade-union organizations” – Paul Alexandrov reported – “In the majority of building organizations RB dozens million rubles are spent every year for fulfillment of the obligations on such collective contracts”.
The labor rights of workers at the organizations, wh ere the trade-union is by some reasons absent, are protected by the branch tariff agreement. This agreement sets the obligatory minimal economic and social guarantees for the workers.
“Today we consider reservation of the main measures for social support of Republican builders our main task and it is important for us that all members of the trade-union organizations know about the presence of the collective contracts in organizations and can use this contract for protection of their labor rights” – Paul Alexandrov said.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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