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19 November 2009, 14:21

Bashkir cattle-breeders visited German farms

Representatives of Bashkortostan visited Germany within the frames of the German-Russian co-operational project “Development and introduction of modern technologies in production of milk and beef in Russian Federation”. Bashkir delegation consisted of heads and specialists of the agricultural consulting system RB with the deputy Minister of agriculture RB Rail Afzalov at the head.
Bashkir agrarians visited the town of Benen and the concern “GEAWESTFALIASURGE” – one of the biggest world producers of the technique for milking and milk cooling, feeding, herd control and equipment and accessories for cow-sheds. The program of Bashkir delegation also included the visit to the goat-farm “HOFLADEN”, belonging to the family of Steinladge. The family keeps 155 milk goats and has its own shop for goat milk bottling and cheese manufacturing.
Special attention was paid to the horse-farm “ZOLLMANN’S STUTENMLICH” in the village Mulben. Here the horse milk is processed, cooled and bottled and ecologically clean production is the main work principle. The farming has 200 horses of local German breed “HAVLINGE”. The average milk yield per one horse is 4-5 liters.
Representatives of Bashkortostan also visited the international exhibition “AGROTECHNIKA-2009” in Hanover, where the newest achievements of European and world agricultural machine-building and agricultural complex were demonstrated. Bashkir specialists were interested in activity of the Agricultural Chamber most of all. The Chamber provides consulting services in sphere of agriculture and the main goal of its establishment is the support of cattle-breeding in Germany.
After that Bashkir delegation held a meeting with the representative of the Federal foodstuff, agriculture and consumer right protection Ministry of Germany Hermann Yob. He told the guests about current situation in agriculture in Europe and in Germany and about the ways of further development of European agricultural production.
Author:Mariat Artuhova
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