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18 November 2009, 18:24

Rail Sarbaev: the airplanes will arrive in Bashkortostan next week

The capital of Bashkir trans-Ural will become closer. The flight time to Sibay, located more than 500 kilometers fr om Ufa, will make just about 40 minutes.
On November 18 the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev visited the aviation production enterprise “Aircraft Industries” in Czechia and Bashkir delegation held the meeting with the representative of the enterprise, the corporate relations and special projects manager of “UGMK-Holding” Oleg Melukhov, the President of “Aircraft Industries” Paul Vakh and General Director of the enterprise Ilona Plshkova and visited the plant. The members of the Republican delegation could see the airplanes, ready to be delivered to Bashkortostan, with their own eyes.
“We watched two airplanes L-410 UVP-E20. These machines will be delivered to the Republic in the nearest future. These are the 19-seat turbo-prop aircrafts, equipped with the newest avionics, reliable in exploitation and quite adjustable” – the Prime-Minister of Government RB reported.
The aircraft is certified on the territory of Europe and Russia and its equipment allows using the airplane in wide range of climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions both on artificial and natural grounds. This ability makes the aircraft even more attractive because we can use it in sanitary aviation, Rail Sarbaev said. As the Prime-Minister reported, the acceptance certificates were signed during the visit. Bashkir technical specialists will go to Czechia for training on Saturday.
Besides, the meeting with the leadership of several Czech banks has also taken place in Prague. Czechia is rather interested in development of business relations with Russia and in this connection Czech authorities intend to hold a meeting with Russian Minister of transport Igor Levitin, wh ere the talk concerning prospects of local airlines development is to be continued. The service center for the aircrafts, produced in Czechia is offered to open here, in Bashkortostan.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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