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2 November 2009, 12:20

MDM-Bank is one of the biggest in Russia

The center of economic analysis of “INTERFAX” prepared the ranking of Russian banks by the results of nine months 2009. MDM-Bank demonstrated high dynamics of growth by all main indices in this ranking.
The bank’s assets grew up by 81% from the beginning of the year – these were the highest rates of growth among 20 biggest banks of Russia from the beginning 2009. At that the growth of summary assets of 100 biggest Russian banks made up just 0,1% for three quarters of 2009.
MDM-Bank has become the leader in the Top 20 of Russian banks by the dynamics of capital growth. From the beginning of the year its capital has grown up by 171,5%, while the growth of this index among 100 biggest Russian banks made just 23,7% on average.
The bank has also become the leader by the rates of growth of natural persons’ deposits. From the beginning of the year the volume of means, attracted by the bank, has grown up by 108,1%.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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