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1 November 2009, 14:00

Stock exchange market is rolling down

At the end of this week the cost of oil remained at very high level – more than 78 dollars per one barrel and it positively influenced upon the Russian stock exchange market. The statement of Russian Minister of finances Alexei Kudrin concerning the end of the recession and the beginning of Russian economics growth also added certain optimism. According to him the growth of the key macroeconomic indices in the country in the fourth quarter of 2009 is planned at the level of 2%, as compared with the third quarter.
On Monday the RTS index started to attack the 1500 points-barrier but the day after the indices of the Russian stock exchange started rolling down, having lost nearly 3%, though no real grounds for that were observed. Perhaps, it was just a correction after a rather long upsurge. On Wednesday the RTS index dropped to 1368 and MICEX index – to 1253 points, i.e. the stock exchange market returned to the state, observed nearly one month ago. The drop of the shares’ cost went on Friday too, though not so chaotic. In a whole for the last week the prices for the shares of the main Russian issuers have fallen by 8-10% - too much.
In spite of the crash in the Russian stock exchange market the interest in Bashkir shares was preserved at the same level both in RTS and MICEX systems. Transactions with the shares of JSC “UMPO” and JSC “UTCHALINSKY ore mining and processing enterprise” went on but at the same time the bargains with the shares of JSC “BASHKIRENERGO”, “BASHINFORMSVYAZ”, JSC “BASHNEFT”, JSC “UFIMSKY refinery” and JSC “URASIB” were stopped in RTS system. The prices of the majority of the shares of Bashkir issuers managed to preserve their positions.
Thus, ordinary shares of JSC “BASHKIRNEFTEPRODUCT” face stable demand in RTS and their price made 10,75 USD per one share (+1%). The cost of “UMPO” ordinary shares slightly dropped from 0,47 to 0,45 USD per one share (-4%).
The ordinary shares of “UTCHALINSKY ore mining and processing enterprise” faced high demand again but their price dropped from 10,9 to 10,5 USD.
The cost of ordinary shares of JSC “UFAORGSINTEZ” dropped by 7% - 3,8 dollars per one piece and the price of its privileged shares on the contrary grew up by 22% to 0,95 USD.
No bargains have been registered with the shares of JSC “UFIMSKY Refinery”.
The activity in MICEX system also remained rather high. Thus, ordinary shares of JSC “BASHINFORMSVYAZ” of “A” type were in sale at 2,5 rubles for one share (-14%). One ordinary share of “B” type cost 2,55 rubles (- nearly 5%).
The cost of the transactions with the ordinary shares of JSC “BASHKIRENERGO” also wend slightly down from 27,2 rubles to 26,99 rubles for one share (-1,5%).
Author:Ravil Ramazanov
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