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26 October 2009, 11:03

Energy-saving programs in Bashkortostan

The Ministry of economic development RB has monitored development of the energy-saving programs and energy consumption by city and municipal districts of the Republic for the first six months 2009.
The analysis of energy consumption shows that the reduction of energy consumption is observed in 18 regions RB – by more than 10% and in Abzelilovsky, Buraevsky, Mechetlinsky and Salavatsky regions and in the town of Agidel – by more than 20%.
The heat energy consumption is reduced by 10 and more than 10% in ten regions of Bashkortostan and in Blagovarsky, Blagoveshensky, Sterlitamacsky and Khaibullinsky regions – by more than 20%, the Ministry reported. Essential reduction of gas consumption was registered in nine regions of Bashkortostan.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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