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19 October 2009, 15:31

Bashkortostan stands the crisis successfully

The course of development of the complex program on realization of the Message of President RB to State Council RB in 2009 was under discussion at today’s meeting of Government RB.
Minister of economic development RB Eugene Evtushenko reported 64 arrangements, distributed into the economic, social and administrative blocks, were included into the program. The major part of the arrangements was directed to minimization of the crisis after-effects and further pos-crisis development of the Republic.
The indices of social-economic activity of the Republic for nine months of this year prove the situation in the Republic remains stable.
The nine-month industrial production index made 93,4% and it is higher than in Volga federal region as well as in Russia in a whole.
The index of production in sphere of mining operations in January-September made 103,9%. Nine million tons of oil is mined since the beginning of the year (102,5% as compared with the same period of time in 2008), including 8,4 million tons on the territory of Bashkortostan (102,7%).
The production index in sphere of processing productions made 91% and 89,1% - in production and distribution of electric energy, gas and water.
14,573 thousand new flats with the general area 1,372 million square meters were built up on the territory RB for nine months 2009.
The volume of production in agriculture in January-September 2009 in active prices made about 80 billion rubles or 92,6% as compared with the corresponding level of 2008.
The real disposable money incomes per capita of the Republican population made 100,9%.
“The world crisis substantially corrected the parameters of economic development, laid in the Forecast of social-economic development of Bashkortostan in 2009 and for the first time for the last decade we expect the recession in economics of Bashkortostan, estimated at the level of 5,7%” – Eugene Evtushenko mentioned.
Within the frames of the first block of the program – “The anti-crisis measures, preservation and consolidation of the economic potential development” the Government RB approved the complex program of anti-crisis arrangements in 209-2010. 150 billion rubles is directed to realization of this program at the expense of all sources of financing. Realization of the program was able to soften the influence of the crisis negative after-effects upon the social-economic situation and the financial sector. Besides, the program helped to determine the ways out of the crisis back to stable economic development of the region.
In spite of the crisis the innovational potential o the Republic went on developing itself. The plan of actions on realization of the cluster policy RB till 2012 was formed. Special emphasis was laid on development of the innovational structure. Several objects of innovational activity received the status of technological parks. The work on realization of investment projects in the Republic went on. Thus, assembling of the harvesters “Challenger” with the next production localization at some industrial enterprises RB was organized on the base of JSC “NEFAZ” in Neftekamsk.
10 billion rubles was allocated in this year for support of housing building. The low building program “My Own House” is found under realization in Bashkortostan now.
The Republic fulfills all its social obligations, doing much for support of motherhood and childhood, older generations and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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