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5 October 2009, 15:35

Unfair manufacturers of Halal products can be included into the “black list”

Unfair manufacturers of the products under “Halal” label can be included into the “black list”, free for wide audience, in the nearest future, the head of the “Halal” standard committee under the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Ilshat Gizatullin reported.
“Until now our committee was engaged in monitoring of “Halal” products in Bashkortostan” – he said – “And we took all local manufacturers, producing “Halal” foodstuffs, under close control. At that we’ve uncovered about ten organizations, which production conditions didn’t meet the “Halal” standards. We still continue working with them in a polite manner and don’t make it public. But in the future those persistent forgers, which aren’t going to bring their production in accordance with the “Halal” standards, will be announced publicly”.
The tolerance, displayed by the committee towards the manufacturers of “Halal” production, is explained by the fact that there was no an organization, which would control the “Halal” market before in the Republic. The committee was established only in July, 2009.
“Our main goal now is not to press but on the contrary to develop “Halal” industry in the Republic so we give all “Halal” enterprises a certain period of time to bring their production in correspondence with the canons”.
Though the list of the violators is not yet announced by the committee, some of the enterprises, manufacturing really “Halal” foodstuffs, are already called: this is the “TURBASLINSKAYA poultry farm” and the poultry farm “AVDON”. The process of “Halal” production there is found under strict control of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB during more than five years.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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