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25 September 2009, 17:37

German experts are ready to help in opening of a machine-building cluster

The first meeting of the workgroup on opening the power-engineering and machine-building cluster in Republic of Bashkortostan has taken place today in Ufa. Representatives of Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB, scientific organizations and industrial enterprises and German experts Karl Heinz Klinger and Kurt Hormshield participated in it.
As the news-agency “Bashinform” already reported, Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB jointly with Ministry of economics and technologies of Germany prepared the project “Elaboration and realization of the strategy of restructuring of industrial policy RB”. The project of the concept on modernization of industrial policy in Bashkortostan till 2014 and the plan of actions are the result of the joint work.
The head of the innovational and investment activity department of Ministry of industry and external economic relations RB Elena Artemova says in accordance with the Concept three clusters are offered: the power-engineering and machine-building cluster, woodworking cluster and tourist cluster. As for the first cluster, the available potential of industrial enterprises RB allows to start working in this direction on the base of co-operation. The appearance of other clusters is also possible, if such necessity arises.
The director of “BASHTECHINFORM” Vyacheslaw Kruzkov played the role of moderator of today’s meeting and the guidance over the workgroup is imposed on him too. “Our task is to get to know how the clusters are built up because in the whole world clusters are considered the most efficient instrument of innovational policy” – he said – “Cluster in sphere of power-engineering and machine-building is especially urgent because our power-engineering needs rapid modernization”.
Vyacheslaw Kruzkov introduced the project of the cluster on production of module power units with the micro-turbine in the base. The capacity of such micro-turbine is 30-300 KWT and such Bashkir enterprises as “Hydraulics”, “Motor” and “MOLNIA” can be involved in production of these micro-turbines and Bashkir leading technical universities - the Ufa State Aviation Technical University and Ufa State Oil Technical University – are able to provide technical support. In opinion of Vyacheslaw Kruzkov the demand in such power plants is high enough. “Micro-turbines in the power-engineering market hold approximately one fourth share and the main task for our producers is to make them cheap”.
German experts are ready to help their partners from Bashkortostan in establishment of the clusters, right up to invitation of specialists in different spheres. In their opinion the success will in many respects depend upon correct management.
In conclusion of the meeting Vyacheslaw Kuzkov underscored that the project, discussed today, was the pilot one. More detailed formation of the business-model for the future cluster lies ahead.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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