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24 September 2009, 15:29

Republican work balance for the last eight months

The indices of social-economic development for eight months 2009 are determined in Bashkortostan. According to information of the Federal State Statistics Committee in RB the circulation of local organizations for this period of time made up about 867,2 billion rubles. The sum of shipped goods, works and services is equal to 539,8 billion rubles – 79% to the level of eight months 2008. According to the work balance of the first quarter of the year this index was equal to 75,6%.
From the beginning of the year the total area of the new tenements, put into exploitation by the Republican developers, made up 1,1 million square meters. As compared with the same period of time in 2008 this index increased by 3,5%.
At the same time production volumes in agriculture come down. In January- August 2009 they made up about 52 billion rubles – 13,7% less than one year before.
The retail trade turnover also demonstrates negative tendencies. It fell by 2,5% to 268,5 billion rubles, compared with the same period of time in 2008. The public catering turnover is found at the level of 11 billion rubles, i.e. minus 11,5%, compared with 2008.
The index of consumer prices and tariffs for goods and services made up 107,3% and the index of prices of industrial goods producers – 136,2%.
Author:Mariat Artuhova
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