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24 September 2009, 15:15

Bulgarian delegation visited state farm “Alekseevsky”

Members of the delegation of Bulgaria became acquainted with the achievements of the state farm “Alekseevsky” today. As it was reported before, the guests arrived in Bashkortostan for participation in the actions of the Year of Bulgaria in Russia.
The gas-turbine station has become the first point of the visit. The state farm was the pioneer in installation of the GTS on its site. The station was designed at the Ufa scientific-production enterprise “Motor” on the base of the aviation engine, produced by JSC “UMPO”. Now the state farm fully provides itself with the electric energy. The capacity of the unit is 10 megawatts.
After that the guests became acquainted with the technologies of keeping the elite cattle. The last lot of foreign cows has arrived here from Finland in June 2009. Besides, the state farm is the all-Russian leader in growing of vegetables in hothouses.
Members of the Bulgarian delegation highly estimated the achievements of local agrarians. As it is known, Bulgaria is the country with well-developed vegetable-growing and it is quite possible that our republics will find the common ground in this very sphere.
Author:Mariat Artuhova
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