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15 September 2009, 17:16

Citizens of Ufa shared their opinions about crisis and trade

The results of the sociologic polls, held on summer, were ventilated at today’s meeting with the head of Ufa administration Paul Kachkaev.
The topics of the investigations were: “Prosperity of Ufa population”, “Problems of labor and salaries”, “Trade and services” and “Protection of consumers’ rights”.
In the course of the polls it was found out that 27,8% of Ufa residents considered their welfare standards better than in the country on average. 38,3% believe their welfare standards and welfare standards of other families in other Russian cities aren’t too different. 32,6% hope their welfare will become better in the nearest future. Pessimists form 19,7% - they think their welfare standards will become worse in the future. 79% of the poll’s participants said the financial crisis had affected them in this or that way personally. The fifth part of the interrogated said that the crisis failed to affect them personally.
The head of Ufa administration information and analytical department Marat Gazizov reports the number of Ufa citizens, visiting agricultural fairs, steadily grows up. 83,6% of the interrogated believe the centralized sales of agricultural products allow them to buy foods at lower prices and these fairs are good both for citizens and villagers. Citizens of Ufa mainly prefer foodstuffs of local production (65,5%). 98,2% say the quality of foods, made in Bashkortostan, is quite satisfactory. 60% positively appreciate the Ufa public catering system.
In the course of the poll the sociologists also try to determine the complaints of Ufa citizens against trade. Citizens of Ufa point to the sales of goods with low quality (84,2%), goods with the expired keeping time (42,1%), violations of trade rules (frauds with calculations and weighing) (28,9%), the absence of price lists ( 13,2%), anti-sanitary condition of trade facilities and nearby territories (10,5%).
The interesting fact is that despite many complaints only 15,8% of citizens of Ufa, whose rights were in this or that way encroached, tried to appeal to the boards on protection of consumers’ rights.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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