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14 September 2009, 22:02

Rate of “Sotsinvestbank” is raised

The National Rate Agency gave the individual rate of creditability to JSC “SOTSINVESTBANK” at the level of “A” (high creditability, the third level).
Specialists of the agency call stable liquidity positions, adequate capitalization, lossless activity, diversified structure of business and incomes, good recognizability of the brand and well-developed commercial network in the region among the factors, positively influencing upon the rate estimation. Stable team of managers and high standards of corporate management also influenced upon the high level of the bank’s rate.
The National Rate Agency is one of the largest Russian independent rate agencies, which rates are taken by the Central Bank of Russia into account together with the rates of such largest international rate agencies as “Standard & Poor’s” and “Moody & Fitch”.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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