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9 September 2009, 17:14

The Union of Ufa Employers is preparing itself for the talk about problems of small and medium business

The Union of Ufa Employers starts preparations for the forum “URALSTROYINDUSTRY-2009” and the Republican specialized exhibition “Low Building”. Both exhibitions will be held in Ufa, on the hippodrome “AKBUZAT” on September 22-25. The conference “Problems of small and medium business in sphere of land law and privity”, organized by the Union of Ufa Employers jointly with Ufa Office of Public Prosecutor, will be held within the frames of the exhibitions.
In this connection the meeting of the steering committee has taken place in Ufa. The main goals and tasks of the conference were determined there: exposure of small and medium business problems, hampering development of business undertakings in the Republic, working up of the proposals on perfection of the procedures of permissive documentation registration on land areas with the purpose of protection of businessmen’ rights etc.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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