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9 July 2009, 12:26

Leaders of Bashkir business will visit Kyrgyzstan

The visit of the representatives of Bashkir business to Kyrgyzstan will be held on July 15-20, 2009. Bashkir delegation will be headed by the chairman of Trade-Industry Chamber RB Sergey Efremov. The visit is initiated within the frames of the agreement, signed between the two trade-industry chambers (Bashkortostan and Kyrgyzstan) in 2008. News-service of Trade-Industry Chamber RB reports the program includes meetings with representatives of Kyrgyz business, visits to local enterprises and acquaintance with Kyrgyz free economic zones. The free economic zones in Republic of Kyrgyzstan represent specially allocated areas on the territories of local regions and cities with maximally favorable conditions for development of Kyrgyz economics and its integration into the world economic processes, for attraction of foreign capital, technologies and managerial experience. Every zone works in its own direction: the zone “Bishkek” is located in the capital of the country – its key economic and political center, the zone “KARAKOL” is near the foot of the Tien Shan ridge on the bank of the lake Issyk-Kul and has all conditions for development of tourism, the zone “MAIMAK” lies on the crossroads of international communications and the zone “NARYN” has a good potential for development of tourism and mining industry. The business part of the visit is combined with the interesting cultural program. The city of Bishkek, founded in 1825 is one of the largest cities in Central Asia and the lake of Issyk-Kul is by right called “the pearl” of Central Asia.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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