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9 July 2009, 17:31

IT will help small and medium business

State Committee RB for business undertakings and trade actively works over introduction of new IT achievements in sphere of small and medium business. As specialists of the Committee report in the nearest future the pilot project of the software “Electronic commodity exchange” will be introduced to businessmen. With the help of this software representatives of small and medium business may, first, allocate the information about their goods and services and, second, they may get the information about enterprises and companies, which would like to use these products or services.
Introduction of another type of software will be the next substantial direction in support of small business. Its programming will make the access of businessmen to state municipal orders much easier. The software will automatically systematize and group the information on sorts of production, services and branches of industry with the subsequent delivery of the messages about state order placement directly to the subjects of small and mid-business.
Besides, within the frames of the Republican program for development of small and medium business in Bashkortostan the autonomous non-commercial organization “The Center of micro-financing for small business subjects RB” will be founded in the Republic soon. This organization will grant the loans to small and medium business organizations. As it was reported before the amount of one loan to every small business subject will make up about one million rubles. The term of the loan is 12 months and the interest rate will be 13% of interest per annum.
Author:Amy Kolokolova
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