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3 July 2009, 11:43

Quality of cultivation depends on seed-farming

Stability of soil cultivation is based on seed-farming and this idea was stated at the all-Russian scientific-practical conference: “Winter rye: selection, seed-farming, technologies and processing”, held in Ufa.
News-service of Ministry of agriculture RB reports 110 elite seed farms fully provide the necessity in elite seeds on the main agrarian cultures and that allows making regular sort-change and sort-renewal. The achievements of Bashkir scientists – selectionists, producing high-yielder sorts of winter rye, are known far beyond the country’s frontiers. Thus, the sort of winter rye “CHULPAN” was for a short period of time (1979-1985) introduced in 40 regions of the country and its harvest area in Russian Federation made up about 48% of all winter rye areas in Russian Federation and practically the whole rye area in Bashkortostan.
Winter rye in Bashkortostan plays the role of reserve culture and Bashkortostan holds one of the leading places among Russian regions, cultivating the winter rye.
Every year winter rye occupies 350-400 hectares in our region, providing crop capacity 40 and more centners from one hectare.
Author:Olga Gorunova
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