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2 July 2009, 15:57

The number of guest workers will be shortened

The problem of guest workers in Bashkortostan was under discussion today at the joint meeting of the interdepartmental commission on migration policy and the Coordination committee for assistance to employment of population RB.
“The economic crisis adversely affected the situation with migrants” – the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of labor and population social protection RB Fidus Yamaltdinov said – “the arising tendencies on shortening the number of workplaces and the rise of the number of unemployed citizens concern guest workers as well as local population. Deprived of means of subsistence they can’t live the country in time, thus staying in the Republic illegally. In such conditions the control over displacement of guest workers on the territory RB becomes as urgent as never before”.
The head of Federal Migration Service Dept in RB Boris Guzairov reports for the first six months 353 citizens of Vietnam and 63 citizens of China were called to account for various administrative violations. 21 citizens of Vietnam and 18 citizens of China have been deported from the country in accordance with verdicts of the local courts.
In opinion of Boris Guzairov at present time the priority in job placement should be given to local citizens first of all. Federal Migration Service Dept in RB intends to refuse the attraction of guest workers in 2010 to several organizations and the whole number of foreign workers in Bashkortostan will be reduced several times.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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