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26 June 2009, 17:33

Techno-park “POLYEF” – the synergy of large production and small business

The synergy of large production and small business – this is the way Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev characterized the initiative on establishment of an industrial techno-park on the base of JSC “POLYEF”. The cooperation agreement between state committee on business undertakings and trade RB, JSC “POLYEF” and the company “ENERGORESOURCE” was signed today. The essence of the document is that the largest polyether center becomes the site for development of several small enterprises. It will be the eighth industrial techno-park in Bashkortostan.
The advantages are evident for all participants of this process. Small companies may join business with minimal expenses because “POLYEF” takes the lion’s share of the financial burden upon itself. The polyether plant will share expenses for resources and work areas with businessmen and the state will be the winner too because new productions and developing small business will bring profits to Republican exchequer.
Prime-Minister of Government RB emphasized the importance of such objects for Republic. As he said, development of business undertakings and its cooperation with large industrial productions are able to provide the upsurge of economics and, as a result, the increase of budget revenues. The matter is that 200-300 small enterprises can work just on the site of waste treatment. JSC “POLYEF” has the unique equipment, able to utilize the waste, which isn’t subject to secondary treatment. Ecologically harmless ashes become the final product of such treatment. Secondary waste sorting and treatment is the task for small business and this is the “plus” for Republican ecology because, first, industrial waste will be processed into a useful product, second, this is the solution for the problem of dumps, since it becomes possible to treat solid consumer waste on the base of “POLYEF” too. This is just one direction of many. Small business will join the polyether production. In the nearest future it is planned to start production of polyethyleneterephthalate pre-forms with the help of small business. The plant itself produces terephthalic acid and polyethyleneterephthalate and on such production facilities it is not reasonable for “POLYEF” to produce semi-products, like polyethyleneterephthalate pre-forms but this is excellent and highly profitable business for small companies. The deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB Uri Pustovgarov says this cooperation means that the added cost, obtained from production of polyether materials, will stay inside the Republic instead of leaving it because about one third of “POLYEF” output is planned to process here on the spot, inside the Republic. The company “ENERGORESOURCE” will guide the techno-park, i.e. it is responsible for management and preparation of new companies to join this business.
Author:Elvira Latypova
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