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8 June 2009, 16:31

The number of realty agencies falls

The realty agencies network “The Expert” held a regular monitoring in Ufa realty market. Same investigations have already been held in January, March, April and May.
In the course of the monitoring specialists tried to define real number of realty agencies in Ufa and to estimate reliability and quality of their realty services. It was found out during the poll that just 30 companies and individual realtors went on working in Ufa market. Other 30 agencies didn’t answer phone calls. 11 agencies changed their addresses. Many realtors stay on leave because of stagnant state of affairs. Therefore the “bottom” of crisis phenomena is either reached or will be reached during two nearest months, specialists of “The Expert” believe. The results of their investigations show that realtor business is very mobile and can be shutdown in the shortest terms. In such situation it is becoming too difficult for the clients to determine which agency is really reliable and is able to provide really qualitative services.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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