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8 June 2009, 15:34

Russia through the eyes of statisticians

On June 12 it will be the 19th anniversary of the Declaration about state sovereignty of Russian Federation. How does Russia look today from the point of view of demography and population censuses?
According to the all-Russian population census-2002 population of the country made up 145,2 million people. Russia held the seventh place in the world after China (1285 million people), India (1025 million), the USA (286 million), Indonesia (215 million), Brazil (173 million) and Pakistan (146 million) by population. On June 1, 2009 141,9 million people lived in Russia.
The staff of Russia includes 80 regions, different by status, occupied territory and geographic, economic and social positions. Moscow is the most numerous region, where 10509 thousand people live and it leads by the number of citizens among Russian cities. Nenets autonomous district in the staff of Archangelsk region is the smallest region with 42 thousand people.
Bashkortostan is the most densely populated region of 21 republics in the staff of Russian Federation – 4057,3 thousand people and Republic of Altai is the most poorly populated with 209,2 thousand people.
For the period between population censuses of 1989 and 2002 population of the country has reduced 1,8 million people and this reduction was observed in 66 regions. The highest reduction of population was observed in Chukot autonomous district – three times. Sensible reduction was also observed in Magadan region – more than two times, in Koryak region – by 37%, in Taimyr and Evenki autonomous districts (by 29% in each). It happened mainly because of mass migration.
Growth of population in 2002, as compared with 1989, was observed in 23 Russian regions and the highest was in Dagestan –by 43%, as well as in Kabardino-Balkaria – by 20%, in Moscow – by 17%, in Stavropol region – by 13%, in Northern Ossetia-Alania and in Khanty-Mansiysky autonomous districts – by 12% in each. In republics of Altai, Dagestan, Northern Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria and in Khanty-Mansiysky autonomous district the increase of population occurred due to natural increase and migrant inflow while on other territories – only thanks to migrants. Bashkortostan is in the list of such regions.
In 2002 population of Bashkortostan increased by 161,2 thousand people, as compared with 1989, or by 4,1%. The share of Bashkortostan made up 2,8% of all-Russian population and 13,2% of population in Volga federal district.
On January 12, 2009, 4057,3 thousand people live in Bashkortostan.
Author:Mariat Artuhova
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