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24 March 2009, 14:39

First anniversary of polyethyleneterephthalate production is solemnly celebrated in Bashkortostan

JSC “POLYEF” solemnly celebrated the first anniversary of polyethyleneterephthalate production. In spring 2008 the plant started production of polyethyleneterephthalate in test mode and further – as a scheduled operation.
Deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB Uri Pustovgarov, members of “POLYERF” body of directors, representatives of developers and general subcontractors have taken part in the solemn ceremony. On behalf of the Republican leadership Uri Pustovgarov congratulated the collective of JSC “POLYEF” with this remarkable date.
The history of this enterprise is rather difficult and even dramatic and the birth of this big enterprise has become possible only thanks to the efforts of the Republican leadership and President RB Murtaza Rakhimov first of all.
As it is known, the decision concerning erection of this plant near the Bashkir town of Blagoveshensk had been reached still by the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR in 1984. Design and later wide-scaled building works started on the site that time. In 1989-1990 complex and expensive equipment for the future production has been delivered to the site.
But the hard times of reforms and post-reforms called the project under question. Construction works were shutdown many times because of unstable financing from Moscow. Further the economic crisis of 90s has broken out. Till 2001 construction works were practically stopped. That time the Republic has reached the strategically right decision to continue construction of the plant self-dependently in spite of the great difficulties. At the end of 2001 construction works were resumed at the expense of the Republican exchequer.
The initial project, according to which it was planned to produce the polyether fiber, was altered. It was decided to start production of food polyethyleneterephthalate. In 2005 the line for production of terephthalic acid started working. The production of polyethyleneterephthalate was launched on March 21, 2008. Now the capacity of polyethyleneterephthalate output is 120 thousand tons annually. In 2010 the plant has to reach the planned project capacity and it will cover the necessity of Russian producers in polyethyleneterephthalate by more than a half. The input of this industrial project is of great importance for Republican economics as well as for economics of the whole country because “POLYEF” is the only enterprise in Russia, which produces polyethyleneterephthalate and terephthalic acid. Polyethyleneterephthalate is a highly profitable and well demanded polymeric product, widely used in production of crockery and various vessels for foodstuffs, packaging and different cloths. Polyethyleneterephthalate exceeds such well-known materials as polyethylene and polypropylene by its strength and hygienic characteristics.
Author:Unir Aznabaev
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