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15 August , 14:35

Bashkiria to join annual all-Russian event "Cinema Night"

The annual 9th ​​all-Russian event, "Cinema Night," will be held on August 24. The event coincides with Russian Cinema Day, celebrated on August 27.

Bashkiria will join the event. Film screenings are planned at 38 venues in the republic. In Ufa, screenings will take place on the barrier of the Belaya River, in the Rodina cinema, and in the Demsky Park of Culture and Recreation. Traditionally, late film screenings, meetings with filmmakers, master classes, lectures and excursions, and concerts are held at venues in various cities on the day of the event.

In addition to Russia, 14 BRICS and CIS countries will also take part in "Cinema Night," the press service of the Russian Ministry of Culture reports. The films will be shown at embassies, cultural centers, and other venues of Russian foreign missions in China, India, Brazil, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Moldova, and Turkmenistan. It is planned that film screenings will be organized at more than 5 thousand venues in Russia and abroad.

Every year, three of the brightest new releases of Russian cinema are selected for the " Cinema Night." This year's program includes the science fiction blockbuster "One Hundred Years Ago" (directed by Alexander Andryushchenko), the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" (directed by Alexander Voitinsky), and the military-historical drama "Air" (directed by Alexey German Jr.).

In 2024, Roskino will operate the event on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Cinema Fund and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Admission to all screenings within the "Cinema Night" is free.

Author: Leila Aralbaeva

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