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28 February , 13:35

Bashkir historical and cultural centers continue to open in Russian regions

To support compatriots and preserve and popularize Bashkir culture in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the compact residence of Bashkirs and abroad, Bashkir historical and cultural centers were opened in 2020. The Minister of Culture of the Republic, Amina Shafikova, spoke at an operational government meeting.

Such centers today successfully operate in the Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. Today, there is an official appeal from the Samara region about opening a Bashkir historical and cultural center in Samara.

According to the minister, the Interregional Children and Youth Forum “Tamyrym - Baskort” will be held in Ufa for the third time this year. On it, children from six regions of Russia will visit the leading museums of Ufa and will be given excursions to educational institutions.

Currently, agreements have been reached in the field of culture and art between Bashkortostan and Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. For our fellow citizens living in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad, 24 master classes on folk art were held in 2023, and assistance was provided in sewing and donating Bashkir national costumes, yurts, books in the Bashkir language, and national instruments.

“One of the image events was the national holiday “Sabantuy”, which united compatriots in all regions of Russia and foreign countries. 2023 Sabantui celebrations were held in 17 Russian and Republic of Uzbekistan regions. The total coverage of participants was more than one million people,” emphasized Amina Shafikova.

Four cooperation agreements were signed Within the X Forum of Regions of Russia and the Republic of Belarus in 2023. In 2024, three cooperation agreements were concluded between the cultural and art institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Belarus. Seven Bashkir organizations operate successfully in Kazakhstan. As a result of the agreements reached during the visit of the official delegation of Bashkortostan to Kazakhstan in 2021, premises were provided for the Bashkir ethnocultural association “Akbuzat” in the House of Friendship of Peoples, and 10 sets of Bashkir national costumes were transferred. Five agreements have been signed between the cultural and art institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Bashkir Public Cultural Center operates in Tashkent and annually holds the Day of Bashkir Culture. Work is underway to provide national costumes to the Bashkir social and cultural center of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2022 and 2023, the delegation of the Republic of Bashkortostan took part in the Sabantuy holiday, during which specialists from Bashkortostan conducted master classes, the National Library of the Republic presented literature in the Bashkir language to the Bashkir Social and Cultural Center and the book fund of the National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 88 copies.

Author: Leila Aralbaeva

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